Wellness products
1001 Nights votive scented candleStearine scented candle with essential oils: Sandalwood, Myrrh, Ginger and Vanilla.
1st chakra Muladhara Room spray AromafumeWith this natural spray you fill the air with a subtle freshness, it absorbs unpleasant odors in a natural way.
Chakra scented candles
1st Chakra Scented Candle Muladhara (strength and vitality)
641 / 8718657460116
1st Chakra Scented Candle Muladhara (strength and vitality)A wonderful scented candle with 3% essential oils: Cinnamon, Nutmeg and Clove. The 1st chakra, also known as the Muladhara or root chakra, is connected to a sense of security, stability and survival. A scented candle that is designed to support the Muladhara. Burning this scented candle candle...
1th chakra essential oil 10ml (base chakra)This oil ensures optimum grounding and places you in the here and now. This chakra is also called tail chakra and is located at the bottom of the backbone.
2nd chakra essential oil 10ml (sacrum chakra)This oil provides support for creative and creative activities. It helps you deal with changes. This chakra is also called sacrum chakra and is located at the height of the sacrum.
2nd Chakra Scented Candle Swadisthana (balance)A wonderful scented candle with 3% essential oils: Cedar, Silver Fir and Rosemary. The 2nd chakra, also called Swadisthana, is central to creativity, sensuality and emotional balance. A scented candle that is designed to activate this chakra. Burning a Swadisthana scented candle can promote a meditative...
2nd chakra Swadhistana Room spray AromafumeWith this natural spray you fill the air with a subtle freshness, it absorbs unpleasant odors in a natural way.
3rd chakra essential oil 10ml (Solar plexus chakra)This oil supports you in letting go and helps you to develop new activities. This chakra is also called solar plexus chakra and is located at the belly button.
3rd chakra Manipura Room spray AromafumeWith this natural spray you fill the air with a subtle freshness, it absorbs unpleasant odors in a natural way.
3rd Chakra Scented Candle Manipura (balance)A wonderful scented candle with 3% essential oils: Cedar, Silver Fir and Rosemary. The 3rd chakra, also called the Manipura or solar plexus chakra, stands for personality, self-confidence and willpower. A scented candle specially designed for this chakra can help stimulate energy, self-confidence and strengthen...
4th chakra Anahata Room spray AromafumeWith this natural spray you fill the air with a subtle freshness, it absorbs unpleasant odors in a natural way.
4th chakra essential oil 10ml (heart chakra)This oil makes you feel that you can love yourself and ensures balance. This chakra is called the heart chakra (Anahata) and is located at the height of your heart.
4th Chakra Scented Candle Anahata (love)A wonderful scented candle with 3% essential oils: Lavender, Mandarin and Orange. The 4th chakra, also known as the Anahata or heart chakra, represents love, compassion and emotional balance. A scented candle designed to support the Anahata chakra can often promote feelings of love and harmony. Burning such a candle...
5th chakra essential oil 10ml (throat chakra)This oil supports in your communication skills. This chakra is called the throat chakra (Vishuddha) and is located at the height of your throat.
5th Chakra Scented Candle Vishudda (creativity)A wonderful scented candle with 3% essential oils: Moroccan rose and Chamomile. The 5th Chakra Scented Candle Vishudda is designed to promote self-expression and communication, and focuses on the throat chakra (Vishuddha). This candle promotes calmness and clarity, making it easier to express your feelings...
5th chakra Vishuddha Room spray AromafumeThis spray is formulated with essential oil, demineralized water, paraben-free preservative. With this natural room spray you fill the air with a subtle freshness, it naturally absorbs unpleasant odors.
6th chakra Ajna Room spray AromafumeWith this natural spray you fill the air with a subtle freshness, it absorbs unpleasant odors in a natural way.
6th chakra essential oil 10ml (Third eye)This oil is wonderful to meditate on. This chakra is located at the height of your third eye (in the middle of your forehead) and is called the third eye (Ajna) chakra.
6th Chakra Scented Candle Ajna (wisdom)A wonderful scented candle with 3% essential oils: Lavender, Chamomile and Silver Fir. The 6th chakra, also called the Ajna chakra or the third eye, represents intuition, insight and spiritual perception. A scented candle specially designed for the Ajna chakra can help with meditation and strengthening your inner...
7 Angels fragrance oil Green Tree7 Angels fragrance oil provides a wonderful scent sensation to create the right atmosphere in every room and is suitable for aroma burners.
7 chakras candle in glass (100 hours)Specially made to create an atmosphere of peace and harmony.
7th chakra essential oil 10ml (Crown chakra)This oil lets you experience being connected to everything, for gaining insights and inspiration. This chakra is at the height of your crown and is called your crown chakra (Sahasrara).
7th chakra Sahasrara Room spray AromafumeWith this natural spray you fill the air with a subtle freshness, it absorbs unpleasant odors in a natural way.
7th Chakra Scented Candle Sahasrara (spirituality)A wonderful scented candle with 3% essential oils: Patchouli, Labdanum and Frankincense. The 7th chakra, also known as the Sahasrara or crown chakra, is located on top of the head and is connected to spirituality, enlightenment and our universal consciousness. This candle is focused on the Sahasrara...
Ajna chakra 6 essential oil 10ml AromafumeAn essential oil blend to balance and revitalize the third eye chakra.
Anahata chakra 4 essential oil 10ml AromafumeAn essential oil blend to balance and revitalize the heart chakra.
Angel Candle Great Angel of LoveBurn this candle and summon the angel of love.
Angel Candle Healing Angel EnergyBurn this candle and summon the angel of healing.
Angel Candle Lotus Angel of LoveBurn this candle and summon the angel of love.
Aroma burner beige with flowersCeramic burner for evaporating essential oils and aromatic wax melts. Dimensions: approximately 7.5cm high and 6.5cm wide
Aroma burner green with flowersCeramic burner for evaporating essential oils and aromatic wax melts. Dimensions: approximately 7.5cm high and 6.5cm wide
Aroma burner taupe green heartCeramic burner for evaporating essential oils and aromatic wax melts. Dimensions: approximately 8.5cm high and 6.5cm wide
Aroma burner taupe with heartCeramic burner for evaporating essential oils and aromatic wax melts. Dimensions: approximately 8.5cm high and 6.5cm wide
Aroma burner Tree of life natural ceramicCeramic burner for evaporating essential oils and aromatic wax melts. Dimensions: approximately 11cm high and 9.5cm wide
Aroma burner Tree of life turquoise ceramicCeramic burner for evaporating essential oils and aromatic wax melts. Dimensions: approximately 11cm high and 9.5cm wide
Aroma burner white with flowersCeramic burner for evaporating essential oils and aromatic wax melts. Dimensions: approximately 7.5cm high and 6.5cm wide
Balance composition oil 10mlThis oil has the composition of various essential oils: Sandalwood, Orange, Cedarwood and Ylang Ylang.
Basil essential oil 10mlBasil oil helps with insect stings, muscle pain and migraine. Against stress and fatigue.
Basil essential oil 10ml AromafumeBasil is an herb used in aromatherapy to lift the mood, energize and relax. It can also be used as a natural insect repellent.Latin name: Ocimum basilicum
Benzoin Room Spray AromafumeWith the Aromafume Benzoë Natural Mist you rid your home of stagnant energy and unpleasant odors. The spray is also suitable for cleaning your aura.
Bergamot Essential oil 10mlThe smell of Bergamot is fresh, sweet and fruity.
Bergamot essential oil 10ml AromafumeBergamot has a soothing and uplifting effect on a gloomy feeling or discouragement.Latin name: Citrus bergamia
Bergamot Room & Linen Spray AromafumeIncorporate Aromafume's room and fabric spray into your self-care routine to enrich every moment. It also refreshes fabrics, linens and the scent of your living space. Bergamot is known for its invigorating properties.
Manifestation candles
Boho Dreams Manifestation candle in glass with lid (50 hours)
64722 / 8903833920557
Boho Dreams Manifestation candle in glass with lid (50 hours)A beautiful manifestation candle in an elegant glass jar with a gold-colored lid with rock crystal stones. The rock crystal is suitable for healing or energetic work.
Manifestation candles
Boho Dreams manifestation candle in glass with tassel (80 hours)
64716 / 8903833921080
Boho Dreams manifestation candle in glass with tassel (80 hours)A beautiful manifestation candle in an elegant glass jar with a decorative tassel.
Boho Dreams Myrrh & Sandalwood aroma oilThis fragrance oil is designed to bring a sense of purification and balance with its soothing aroma.
Boho Dreams Myrrh and Sandalwood Room sprayWith this wonderful Boho Dreams room spray you not only clean the room, but also your aura, body, mind and soul.
Budhhist tantra fragrance oil Green TreeBudhhist tantra fragrance oil provides a delicious fragrance sensation to create the right atmosphere in every room and is suitable for aroma burners.
Cajeput essential oil 10mlEs hat einen durchdringenden, kampferartigen medizinischen Geruch.
Californian White Sage fragrance oil Green TreeCalifornian White Sage fragrance oil provides a delicious fragrance sensation to create the right atmosphere in every room and is suitable for aroma burners.
Calm votive scented candleStearin scented candle with essential oils: Sage and lemongrass
Camphor essential oil 10mlThis oil has a stimulating, purifying and calming effect.
Canadian Forest votive scented candleThis scented candle is made with 100% real essential oils, and has the scent of Cedar, Pine and Elemi together.
Cedar Himalaya essential oil 10mlExperience a wonderful warm wood scent.
Cedar wood essential oil 10mlHas an illuminating wood scent.
Chakra Scented Candles Set in Gift Box (7 Pieces)Set of 7 votive chakra candles packed in a transparent gift box with leaflet.(Comes without votive glasses)
Chill-Out votive scented candleStearine scented candle with essential oils: orange, coriander and vanilla.
Cinnamon (Cassia) essential oil 10mlCinnamon has a warming and activating effect. It is known for its calming effect.
Cinnamon bark essential oil 10ml AromafumeCinnamon bark with its perfume-like scent has a stabilizing effect.Latin name: Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Cinnamon leaf essential oil 10ml AromafumeCinnamon leaf is warming and energizing and is known for its calming effect.Latin name: Cinnamomum verum
Citronella essential oil 10mlA wonderful fresh scent that has an enlightening effect on the mind.
Citrus composition oil 10mlThis oil has the composition of various essential oils: Orange, Bergamot, Mandarin and Petitgrain.
Clove essential oil 10mlThe clove has a strong, protective and healing effect on the body.
Clove essential oil 10ml AromafumeClove is known in aromatherapy to relieve tension and stress and support the body to let go.Latin name: Syzygium aromaticum
Coconut fragrance oil (SAC)This oil has a delicate sweet fragrance.
Coconut Room & Linen spray AromafumeIncorporate Aromafume's room and fabric spray into your self-care routine to enrich every moment. It also refreshes fabrics, linens and the scent of your living space. Coconut is known for a warm and inviting scent in your space.
Copal Room Spray AromafumeWith the Aromafume Copal Natural Mist you rid your home of stagnant energy and unpleasant odors. The spray is also suitable for cleaning your aura.
Cypres essential oil 10mlHas a smoky, sweet, balsamic fragrance.
Divine Goddess Jasmine & Oud Aroma OilThis fragrance oil is designed to bring a sense of purification and balance with its soothing aroma.
Divine Goddess Jasmine & Oud Room sprayWith this wonderful Divine Goddess room spray you not only clean the room, but also your aura, body, mind and soul.
Divine Goddess manifestation candle in glass (20 hours)A manifestation candle in glass with xinji jade gemstones.
Manifestation candles
Divine Goddess Manifestation candle in glass with lid (50 hours)
64723 / 8903833920564
Divine Goddess Manifestation candle in glass with lid (50 hours)A beautiful manifestation candle in an elegant glass jar with a gold-colored lid with xinji jade stones. The xinji jade provides harmony and prosperity.
Manifestation candles
Divine Goddess manifestation candle in glass with tassel (80 hours)
64717 / 8903833921097
Divine Goddess manifestation candle in glass with tassel (80 hours)A beautiful manifestation candle in an elegant glass jar with a decorative tassel.
Dragons Blood fragrance oil SACThis oil helps you to strengthen your energy and to strengthen your desire.
Dragons Blood Room spray AromafumeWith the Aromafume Dragons Blood Mist you rid your home of stagnant energy and unpleasant odors. The spray is suitable for cleansing your aura.
Dream Spirit fragrance oil (Green tree)Dream Spirit fragrance oil provides a delicious fragrance sensation to create the right atmosphere in every room and is suitable for aroma burners.
Energy composition oil 10mlThis oil has the composition of various essential oils: Bergamot, Petitgrain, Rosemary, Lemon and Lavender.
Erotic Touch composition oil 10mlThis oil has the composition of various essential oils: Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang, Rosemary, Patchouli and Cinnamon.
Eucalyptus and Mint Room & Linen Spray AromafumeIncorporate Aromafume's room and fabric spray into your self-care routine to enrich every moment. It also refreshes fabrics, linens and the scent of your living space. Eucalyptus and mint are known for their purifying and invigorating effect.
Eucalyptus essential oil 10mlThis scent provides healing and relieves breathing difficulties.
Eucalyptus essential oil 10ml AromafumeEucalyptus is widely known for its fresh scent, expectorant and antiseptic properties.Latin name: Eucalyptus globulus labill
Eucalyptus Room & Linen Spray AromafumeIncorporate Aromafume's room and fabric spray into your self-care routine to enrich every moment. It also refreshes fabrics, linens and the scent of your living space. Eucalyptus is known for its cleansing and purifying properties.
Evil Eye Protection Fragrance Oil Celestial MagicThis fragrance oil is to ward off negative energies and create a protective atmosphere.
Manifestation candles
Eye of Providence manifestation candle in glass (20 hours)
64730 / 8903833921462
Eye of Providence manifestation candle in glass (20 hours)A manifestation candle in glass with black obsidian gemstones.
Manifestation candles
Eye of Providence Manifestation candle in glass with lid (50 hours)
64724 / 8903833920571
Eye of Providence Manifestation candle in glass with lid (50 hours)A beautiful manifestation candle in an elegant glass jar with a gold-colored lid with black obsidian stones. The obsidian is a strongly insightful stone and it works cleansing.
Manifestation candles
Eye of Providence manifestation candle in glass with tassel (80 hours)
64718 / 8903833921103
Eye of Providence manifestation candle in glass with tassel (80 hours)A beautiful manifestation candle in an elegant glass jar with a decorative tassel.
Eye of Providence Sage & White Tea aroma oilThis fragrance oil is designed to bring a sense of purification and balance with its soothing aroma.
Eye of Providence Sage & White Tea Room sprayWith this wonderful Eye of Providence room spray you not only clean the room, but also your aura, body, mind and soul.
Fir essential oil 10mlThis oil has a fresh sweet pine scent and stimulates with a lack of energy.
Flower of Life fragrance oil (Green tree)Flower of Life fragrance oil provides a delicious fragrance sensation to create the right atmosphere in every room and is suitable for aroma burners.
Fortune fragrance oil (SAC)This oil helps to improve your financial situation.
Fragrance oil Angel Breath (scentology)A wonderfully mysterious scent. It is the sweet scent of the angels, bringing you into heavenly and loving atmospheres.
Fragrance oil Baby Powder
Fragrance oil China RainIs a floral fragrance and consists of white lily, musk and moss. Lily stands for amiability, purity, love and femininity. It brings out your positivity.
Fragrance oil Cool Water
Fragrance oil EternityEternity is an eternity, a long period. Eternity has no end. In religion and philosophy, it indicates a special reality.
Fragrance oil EucalyptusEucalyptus is known to be good for the respiratory tract. Eucalyptus has an enlightening effect and increases the ability to concentrate. This scent provides healing and relieves breathing difficulties. It also provides protection against evil spirits, angry thoughts and gives extra positive energy.
Fragrance oil Frankincense (scentology)Frankincense has an uplifting, warming effect on the mind and emotions. The oil creates an atmosphere of clarity and calm and is ideally suited as an accompanying fragrance in meditation. It helps you become more aware and invites you to let go of negativity and low vibrations.
Fragrance oil JasmineThe scent is sweet and floral. Jasmijn helps you develop spirituality. It reinforces your attraction and self-confidence and if necessary it will help with more intimacy in a relational atmosphere.
Fragrance oil LoveLove is a mix of soft scents that stimulates the senses. It gives security and confidence. It stimulates your senses in a loving atmosphere.
Fragrance oil Morning ShowerA wonderfully fresh oil composed of various scent oils. Good to start the day with.
Fragrance oil Paris NightA deliciously sweet blend of various scent oils. To dream away with in the evening hours.
Fragrance oil Sea BreezeA delicious oil composed of various scent oils. This refreshing oil gives you new energy and clarifies the mind. It provides a fresh scent in the house.
Fragrance oil Vanilla (scentology)Vanilla is a wider and deeper scent that inspires, stimulates and renews energy. It provides creativity. The scent lets you fully enjoy.
Fragrance oil Victorian Rose (scentology)A wonderfully light rose scent. The scent gives you warmth, intimacy and makes you happy. It gives you a loving feeling, deepens and elevates you as a person. A scent that shows you the way to the most beautiful places in yourself.
Frankincense & Myrhh scented candle Organic GoodnessA lovely scented candle from Frankincense and Myrrh in a beautiful decorative glass jar with a flower of life pattern.
Frankincense & Myrrh Room Spray AromafumeWith the Aromafume Frankincense & Myrrh Natural Mist you rid your home of stagnant energy and unpleasant odors. The spray is also suitable for cleaning your aura.
Frankincense essential oil 10ml AromafumeFrankincense has traditionally been used to promote meditation and concentration.Latin name: Boswellia Serrata
Frankincense Room Spray AromafumeWith the Aromafume Frankincense Natural Mist you rid your home of stagnant energy and unpleasant odors. The spray is also suitable for cleaning your aura.
Garden votive scented candleStearine scented candle with essential oils: Lavender, Geranium and Rosewood.
Geranium Bourbon essential oil 10mlThe Geranium bourbon is the most refined geranium oil. This oil has a calming and stimulating effect on people who are mentally exhausted.
Geranium essential oil 10ml AromafumeGeranium is said to have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Feel healthy and increase your happiness.Latin name: Pelargonium
Ginger essential oil 10mlGinger helps with: muscle aches, colds, sore throats, fatigue.
Goloka Reed Diffuser CinnamonA wonderful aroma diffuser with bamboo sticks that spreads the scented oil in the living or working space. Cinnamon scent is a warm, spicy scent that evokes comfort and nostalgia. The scent provides peace and security.
Goloka Reed Diffuser Nag ChampaNag Champa is a popular fragrance from India, known for its rich, earthy aroma that combines the scents of sandalwood and floral notes, particularly frangipani flower. The signature scent is both soothing and uplifting, evoking a sense of calm and connection to nature.
Goloka Reed Diffuser Nature's NestA wonderful fragrance diffuser with bamboo sticks that spreads the scented oil in living or working space. Nature's Nest scent evokes the fresh, soothing scents of the outdoors, often with notes such as green leaves, blooming flowers and earthy undertones. The scent is very popular for those who want to bring a touch of...
Goloka Reed Diffuser Palo SantoPalo Santo has a warm, woody, and slightly sweet scent, with citrus and spicy notes. It has a soothing and refreshing aromatic quality that is often used in rituals and meditation to promote a sense of calm and spiritual connection.
Goloka Reed Diffuser PatchouliA delightful bamboo reed diffuser that diffuses the fragrance oil in a living or working space. The scent of patchouli is earthy and spicy, with a rich, musky undertone that is often associated with bohemian and vintage styles. Patchouli has a unique, long-lasting scent that feels both warm and mysterious, and it can provide...
Goloka Reed Diffuser SandalwoodThe scent of sandalwood is warm, woody and often described as creamy and earthy. Sandalwood is often associated with spirituality and meditation, and it can also help create a serene atmosphere in spaces.
Goloka Reed Diffuser White MuskA lovely aroma diffuser with bamboo sticks that spreads the scented oil in the living or working space. The scent of white musk is often described as soft, warm and sensual. White musk is associated with spirituality and is popular in aromatherapy and meditation.
Good Fortune manifestation candle in glass (20 hours)A manifestation candle in glass with red jasper gemstones.
Manifestation candles
Good Fortune Manifestation candle in glass with lid (50 hours)
64725 / 8903833920588
Good Fortune Manifestation candle in glass with lid (50 hours)A beautiful manifestation candle in an elegant glass jar with a gold-colored lid with red jasper stones. The red jasper works grounding and helps you to stand in your power.
Manifestation candles
Good Fortune manifestation candle in glass with tassel (80 hours)
64719 / 8903833921110
Good Fortune manifestation candle in glass with tassel (80 hours)A beautiful manifestation candle in an elegant glass jar with a decorative tassel.
Good Fortune Patchouli & Orange Aroma OilThis fragrance oil is designed to bring a sense of purification and balance with its soothing aroma.
Good Fortune Patchouli & Orange Room sprayWith this wonderful Good Fortune room spray you not only clean the room, but also your aura, body, mind and soul.
Hand of Fatima fragrance oil (Green tree)Hand of Fatima fragrance oil provides a delicious fragrance sensation to create the right atmosphere in every room and is suitable for aroma burners.
Happy Yoga fragrance oil (Green tree)Happy Yoga fragrance oil provides a delicious fragrance sensation to create the right atmosphere in every room and is suitable for aroma burners.
Harmony votive scented candleStearine scented candle with essential oils: Lemon, Palmarosa and Rosewood.
Incense (frankincense) essential oil 10mlThis oil has an uplifting, warming effect on the mind and emotions.
Indian Summer votive scented candleStearine scented candle with essential oils: Nag Champa, Basil and Cardamom.
Jasmine 2.5% essential oil 10mlThis oil is a mix of a base oil of almond oil and jojoba oil and 2.5% jasmine essential oil.
Jasmine fragrance oil (SAC)Jasmine creates a paradisiacal and erotic mood, moreover it gives oblivion. The scent gives you the feeling of peace with yourself, to be at home with yourself. Makes you optimistic and gives confidence.
Jasmine soy wax candle Organic GoodnessOrganic Goodness candle scented with jasmine essential oil from the city of Mudarai in India. Velvety to touch and heavenly to smell.
Joy and Love votive scented candleStearine scented candle with essential oils: Moroccan rose and chamomile.
Lavender essential oil 10mlHas a dry, soft scent with a surprising touch of sweetness.
Lavender essential oil 10ml AromafumeLavender is widely known for its rich aroma with relaxing effect.Latin name: Lavandula angustifolia
Lavender Officinalis essential oil 10mlThe lavender officinalis is the true lavender native to the area around the Mediterranean Sea. It is a soothing purifying scent.
Lavender Room & Linen Spray AromafumeIncorporate Aromafume's room and fabric spray into your self-care routine to enrich every moment. It also refreshes fabrics, linens and the scent of your living space. Lavender is known to reduce stress and anxiety.
Lemon biological essential oil 10mlLemon has a wonderfully light citrus scent.
Lemon essential oil 10mlLemon has a wonderfully light citrus scent.
Lemon essential oil 10ml AromafumeLemon is refreshing and energizing, helping to fight exhaustion and relieve stress.Latin name: Citrus limonum
Lemongrass & Spice scented candle Organic GoodnessA lovely scented candle of lemongrass and herbs in a beautiful decorative glass jar with a flower of life pattern.
Lemongrass essential oil 10mlA fresh scent that increases concentration and can be used well with a cold.
Lemongrass essential oil 10ml AromafumeLemongrass is known for its fresh scent and energizing properties.Latin name: Cymbopogon citratus
Lemongrass Room & Linen Spray AromafumeIncorporate Aromafume's room and fabric spray into your self-care routine to enrich every moment. It also refreshes fabrics, linens and the scent of your living space. Lemongrass is known for its uplifting and cleansing properties.
Love Potion Fragrance Oil Celestial MagicThis fragrance spreads a romantic and magical scent, perfect for bringing love and harmony into your space.
Love Spell manifestation candle in glass (20 hours)A manifestation candle in glass with rose quartz gemstones.
Manifestation candles
Love Spell Manifestation candle in glass with lid (50 hours)
64726 / 8903833920595
Love Spell Manifestation candle in glass with lid (50 hours)A beautiful manifestation candle in an elegant glass jar with a gold-colored lid with rose quartz stones. Rose quartz is the stone of the heart and love.
Manifestation candles
Love Spell manifestation candle in glass with tassel (80 hours)
64720 / 8903833921127
Love Spell manifestation candle in glass with tassel (80 hours)A beautiful manifestation candle in an elegant glass jar with a decorative tassel.
Love Spell Rose & Peony Aroma OilThis fragrance oil is designed to bring a sense of purification and balance with its soothing aroma.
Love Spell Rose & Peony Room sprayWith this wonderful Love Spell room spray you not only clean the room, but also your aura, body, mind and soul.
Magic Love composition oil 10mlThis oil has the composition of various essential oils: Sandalwood, Himalayan cedar, Ylang Ylang, Patchouli, and Geranium.
Magical Vibes Fragrance Oil Celestial MagicThis scent brings mystical energy into your space.
Mandarin & Bay Leaf scented candle Organic GoodnessA lovely scented candle of mandarin and laurel in a beautiful decorative glass jar with a flower of life pattern.
Mandarin essential oil 10mlMandarin helps, among other things, insomnia, nervousness and anxiety.
Manipura chakra 3 essential oil 10ml AromafumeAn essential oil blend to balance and revitalize the solar plexus chakra.
Meditation composition oil 10mlThis oil has the composition of various essential oils: Rosemary, Cajeput, Elemi and Scharlei.
Meditation Scented candle ecologicalScented candle of 100% vegetable ecological rapeseed wax in recycled glass. The candle is made in the traditional way in Belgium, with paraben-free fragrance oils. Biodegradable and therefore harmless to people and the environment.
MilFlores fragrance oil (SAC)This oil has a wonderful floral scent. The fragrance brings you into a garden full of flowers.
Money Drawing fragrance oil (SAC)This wonderful fragrance attracts prosperity and financial wealth.
Moondust Spell Fragrance Oil Celestial MagicCreate a magical and sophisticated atmosphere with this fragrance oil inspired by the energy of the moon.
Mother Earth votive scented candlesStearin scented candle with essential oils: Cinnamon, Clove and Sage.
Mountain Air votive scented candleStearine scented candle with essential oils: Sandalwood, Cedar and Rosemary.
Muladhara chakra 1 essential oil 10ml AromafumeAn essential oil blend to balance and revitalize the root chakra.
Muscle oil composition oil 10mlThis oil has the composition of various essential oils: Eucalyptus, Niaouli, Wintergreen, Peppermint and Cajeput.
Oil burner cream coloured with ornamentThis oil burner has a stylish look, finished with elegant ornaments. And is excellent for evaporating aromatic oils.
Oil burner Flowers blackThis oil burner has finely cut lotus flowers through which the tea light shines beautifully. And is excellent for evaporating aromatic oils.
Oil burner gray with ornamentThis oil burner has a stylish look, finished with elegant ornaments. And is excellent for evaporating aromatic oils.
Oil evaporator Celtic KnotThis oil evaporator is finished with Celtic knots. And is excellent for evaporating aromatic oils or melting wax.
Orange essential oil 10mlOrange helps, among other things, with stomach complaints, nervousness, gum problems, colds, tensions and anxiety.
Orange essential oil 10ml AromafumeOrange has an activating effect and a positive effect on the mood.Latin name: Citrus sinensis
Orange Room & Linen Spray AromafumeIncorporate Aromafume's room and fabric spray into your self-care routine to enrich every moment. It also refreshes fabrics, linens and the scent of your living space. Orange is known for its uplifting aroma.
Palo Santo & Cedar scented candle Organic GoodnessA lovely scented candle from Palo Santo and Cedarwood in a beautiful decorative glass jar with a flower of life pattern.
Palo Santo fragrance oil Green TreePalo Santo fragrance oil provides a wonderful fragrance sensation to create the right atmosphere in every room and is suitable for aroma burners.
Palo Santo Smudge spray AromafumeWith this natural Palo Santo smudge spray you rid your space of negative energy, purify the space with the smudge spray.
Patchouli essential oil 10mlPatchouli increases passion and has a stimulating effect. It has an anti-depressive effect and a positive effect on the skin. The scent gives you confidence and kindness.
Patchouli essential oil 10ml AromafumePatchouli is known for its caring properties and increases passion and has a stimulating effect.Latin name: Pogostemon cablin
Peppermint essential oil 10mlPeppermint oil has a calming effect when one is mentally or intellectually exhausted. Evaporate this oil in the study or in places.
Peppermint essential oil 10ml AromafumeThe fresh aroma of peppermint has an invigorating effect and helps to concentrate. Also effective to repel mosquitoes.Latin name: Mentha piperita
Peppermint Room & Linen Spray AromafumeIncorporate Aromafume's room and fabric spray into your self-care routine to enrich every moment. It also refreshes fabrics, linens and the scent of your living space. Peppermint is known for its uplifting and clarifying effects.
Purifying Moon manifestation candle in glass (20 hours)A manifestation candle in glass with amethyst gemstones.
Manifestation candles
Purifying Moon manifestation candle in glass with tassel (80 hours)
64721 / 8903833921134
Purifying Moon manifestation candle in glass with tassel (80 hours)A beautiful manifestation candle in an elegant glass jar with a decorative tassel.
Purifying Moon Palo Santo & Lavender aroma oilThis fragrance oil is designed to bring a sense of purification and balance with its soothing aroma.
Purifying Moon Palo Santo & Lavender Room sprayWith this wonderful Purifying Moon room spray you not only clean the room, but also your aura, body, mind and soul.
Reiki Energy fragrance oil (Green tree)Reiki Energy fragrance oil provides a delicious fragrance sensation to create the right atmosphere in every room and is suitable for aroma burners.
Relax composition oil 10mlThis oil has the composition of various essential oils: Sandalwood, Lavender and Geranium.
Romantic composition oil 10mlThis oil has the composition of various essential oils: Lavender, Lime, Palmarosa, Geranium and Sandalwood
Rose & Geranium scented candle Organic GoodnessA lovely scented candle of rose and geranium in a beautiful decorative glass jar with a flower of life pattern.
Rose Damascena 2.5% Essential Oil 10mlThis oil is a mix of a base oil of almond oil and jojoba oil and 2.5% rose damascena essential oil.
Rose fragrance oil (SAC)The scent gives you a loving feeling, mental clarity, creativity. A scent that shows you the way to the most beautiful places in yourself.
Rose Room & Linen Spray AromafumeIncorporate Aromafume's room and fabric spray into your self-care routine to enrich every moment. It also refreshes fabrics, linens and the scent of your living space. Rose scent is known for its sensual character.
Rose soy wax candle Organic GoodnessOrganic Goodness candle scented with Desi Gulab Rose essential oil. Velvety to touch and heavenly to smell.
Rosemary essential oil 10mlRosemary has a purifying effect and stimulates happiness.
Rosemary essential oil 10ml AromafumeRosemary has a woody aroma with an invigorating effect on body and mind. Very helpful in case of fatigue or listlessness.Latin name: Salvia rosmarinus
Rosewood essential oil 10mlRosewood helps with, among other things: depression, anxiety, stress, stiff muscles, fatigue.
Sage & Lavender scented candle Organic GoodnessA lovely scented candle of white sage and lavender in a beautiful decorative glass jar with a flower of life pattern.
Sahasrara Chakra 7 Essential Oil 10ml AromafumeAn essential oil blend to balance and revitalize the crown chakra.
Saint Michael fragrance oil (SAC)Saint Michael is one of the archangels you can call upon if you need help. This scent supports you in this, to find the peace and the peace in yourself, Angel Michael if you want protection or a solution to problems.
Sandalwood west essential oil 10mlThis oil has the warm scent of sandalwood. Sandalwood works mentally purifying and gives peace. This spiritual scent stimulates intuition and gives inner balance. This scent is good for cleansing your house and dispels negative thoughts. Sandalwood has been used for thousands of years as incense and as support in meditation.
Silver Fir essential oil 10mlThis oil is strengthening, disinfecting and promoting.
Sleep pillow spray Song of IndiaA soothing pillow spray, in preparation for a wonderful and good night's sleep.
Song of India Soy scented candle Sleep in a glassCalm your mind, body and soul. Calming scented candle, an aromatherapy must have for relaxing before the night or anytime.
Spa votive scented candleStearine scented candle with essential oils: Mandarin and Lavender.
Spearmint essential oil 10mlSpearmint stimulates the metabolism and helps with a cold.
Star anise essential oil 10mlThe clove has a strong, protective and healing effect on the body.
Sunshine composition oil 10mlThis oil has the composition of various essential oils: Orange, Lemon, Petitgrain, Lime and Litsea.
Swadhisthana Chakra 2 Essential Oil 10ml AromafumeAn essential oil blend to balance and revitalize the sacral chakra.
Sweet Dreams composition oil 10mlThis oil has the composition of various essential oils: Patchouli, Benzoin, Ylang Ylang and Lavender.
Sweet Dreams votive scented candleStearine scented candle with essential oils: Lavender, Neroli and Orange
Tantra composition oil 10mlThis oil has the composition of various essential oils: Sandalwood, Orange, Ylang Ylang, Rosewood and Cinnamon.
Tea lights Frankincense (Fair Trade)Frankincense protects the body and mind from negative influences and supports spiritual growth. Because it opens spiritual channels, the candle will enhance prayer and meditation so that a greater connection can be experienced. Promotes feelings of peace, relaxation and satisfaction and therefore has an anti-depressant...
Tea lights Jasmine (Fair Trade)Jasmine gives a feeling of self-confidence and euphoria and is therefore very useful for indifference, listlessness, depression, nervous exhaustion and stress. Jasmine symbolizes love and purity.
Tea lights lavender (Fair Trade)Lavender has a purifying effect. The scent lavender gives love and tenderness and protects against negativity. Lavender stimulates thinking and relaxes the nerves.
Tea lights Patchouli (Fair Trade)Patchouli is grounding and draws us into our bodies. It suits people who are easily worried and feel restless. The grounding effect of patchouli helps to find a balance between feeling and thinking.
Tea lights Rose (Fair Trade)Rose boosts self-confidence and brings the feeling of happiness and peace. Rose has a soothing effect on emotional irritations and sadness. Rose brings healing to the heart and helps it to open when grief & pain have closed it.
Tea Tree essential oil 10mlThis oil not only reduces itching but is also pain relieving. Moreover, it inhibits the development of wounds that prevent the growth of bacteria.
Tea Tree essential oil 10ml AromafumeTea Tree has traditionally been known for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Has a purifying effect on the atmosphere.Latin name: Melaleuca alternifolia
Vanilla essential oil 10mlThe scent of vanilla has a calming effect and allows you to fully enjoy.
Vishuddha chakra 5 essential oil 10ml AromafumeAn essential oil blend to balance and revitalize the throat chakra.
Votive scented candle 4th chakra in glassThe light of the candle symbolizes the cessation of disturbed emotions (darkness) and the transformation into beneficial emotions (light).
Votive scented candle 6th chakra in glassThe light of the candle symbolizes the cessation of disturbed emotions (darkness) and the transformation into beneficial emotions (light).
Votive scented candle 7th chakra in glassThe light of the candle symbolizes the cessation of disturbed emotions (darkness) and the transformation into beneficial emotions (light).
Aromafume essential oil blend
White Sage & Frankincense essential oil 10ml Aromafume
17969 / 8901362074376
White Sage & Frankincense essential oil 10ml AromafumeA blend of White Sage and Frankincense offers all the benefits of smudging but without the smoke. A wonderful aroma that has a purifying effect.
White Sage & Frankincense Smudge spray AromafumeClear your home of stagnant energy and purify the space with Aromafume's natural White Sage & Frankincense spray. This holy spray offers all the benefits of smudging, but without the smoke. Helps to calm and cleanse body, mind and soul.
Aromafume essential oil blend
White Sage & Lavender essential oil 10ml Aromafume
17966 / 8901362073584
White Sage & Lavender essential oil 10ml AromafumeA blend of White Sage and Lavender offers all the benefits of smudging but without the smoke. A wonderful aroma that is purifying and relaxing.
White Sage & Lavender Smudge spray AromafumeWith this natural White Sage & Lavender smudge spray you rid your space of negative energy, purify the space with the smudge spray.
Aromafume essential oil blend
White Sage & Palo Santo essential oil 10ml Aromafume
17967 / 8901362074352
White Sage & Palo Santo essential oil 10ml AromafumeA blend of White Sage and Palo Santo offers all the benefits of smudging without the smoke. The combination of both has a purifying effect.
White Sage & Palo Santo Smudge spray AromafumeClear your home of stagnant energy and purify the space with Aromafume's natural White Sage & Palo Santo spray. This holy spray offers all the benefits of smudging, but without the smoke. Helps to calm and cleanse body, mind and soul.
White Sage & Rose essential oil 10ml AromafumeA blend of White Sage and Rose offers all the benefits of smudging but without the smoke. A floral aroma that has a purifying and calming effect.
White Sage & Rose Smudge spray AromafumeWith this natural White Sage & Rose smudge spray you rid your space of negative energy, purify the space with the smudge spray.
White Sage & Sandalwood Smudge spray AromafumeClear your home of stagnant energy and purify the space with Aromafume's natural White Sage & Sandslwood spray. This holy spray offers all the benefits of smudging, but without the smoke. Helps to calm and cleanse body, mind and soul.
White Sage fragrance oil (SAC)This oil has the warm cleansing scent of sage.
White Sage Smudge spray AromafumeWith this natural White Sage smudge spray you rid your space of negative energy, purify the space with the smudge spray.
Witch's cauldron oil burnerThis oil burner has a stylish look in the shape of a witch's cauldron. Use this oil burner as a decoration in your living room, bedroom or office. The oil burner is excellent for the evaporation of aromatic oils. Dimensions: approximately 10cm high and 12cm wide
Ylang Ylang essential oil 10mlWith a sweet, soft, floral balsamic, somewhat spicy scent.
Ylang Ylang essential oil 10ml AromafumeYlang Ylang brings relief to gloomy feelings and anxiety. It brings relaxation to body and mind and gives a touch of joy to life.Latin name: Cananga Odoratae
Ylang Ylang Room & Linen spray AromafumeIncorporate Aromafume's room and fabric spray into your self-care routine to enrich every moment. It also refreshes fabrics, linens and the scent of your living space. Ylang ylang is known for its ability to uplift the mood, promote relaxation and create a sense of joy.
Oil burner turquoise with ornamentThis oil burner has a stylish look, finished with elegant ornaments. And is excellent for evaporating aromatic oils.