7th chakra essential oil 10ml (Crown chakra)
7th chakra essential oil 10ml (Crown chakra)
This oil lets you experience being connected to everything, for gaining insights and inspiration. This chakra is at the height of your crown and is called your crown chakra (Sahasrara).
This oil lets you experience being connected to everything, for gaining insights and inspiration. This chakra is at the height of your crown and is called your crown chakra (Sahasrara).
The "Sahasrara" chakra is related to spirituality and enlightenment. This chakra has to do with striving for higher states of consciousness. An opened seventh chakra causes a sense of deep peace and harmony, beyond duality. This leads to experiences of total happiness and establishes the connection with a reality that is beyond thought. The energy of this chakra can lead to the attainment of the Mahatma, "the great soul."
The crown chakra acts on the entire organism. If the energy in this chakra is too weak, then chronic diseases, nervous disorders and life-threatening diseases can occur. The most common problems manifest themselves as headache, confusion, forgetfulness, sleep disorders and depression.
This oil has the composition of various essential oils: Elemi, Rosemary, Laurel, Stone Pine, Incense, Myrrh.
Elemi: gives a sense of peace. It releases blocked energy again.
Rosemary: Gives clarity and strength to tackle problems and get rid of them.
Laurel: it clarifies your mind. It protects and gives you security and confidence.
Stone pine: provides emotional warmth and security
Incense: has a purifying effect on body and mind. It gives spiritual awareness.
Myrrh: provides clarity, insight and inner peace.
7th chakra essential oil 10ml (Crown chakra)
Content: 10ml
Brand: Merlijn Wellness