Oracle and fortune telling cards

African Goddess Rising Oracle - Abiola Abrams African Goddess Rising Oracle - Abiola Abrams 2
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Oracle and fortune telling cards

African Goddess Rising Oracle - Abiola Abrams

African Goddess Rising Oracle - Abiola AbramsBeautiful oracle cards with 44 African goddesses, spirits, queens and ancestors of many powerful peoples, from the African continent to the entire diaspora.
Akashas Kracht - Sylvia Pleiter
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Oracle and fortune telling cards

Akashas Kracht - Sylvia Pleiter

Schors uitgeverij
Akashas Kracht - Sylvia PleiterBeautifully designed and inspiring cards for inner development and cosmic growth. Follow your own feeling: this way everyone who wants to strengthen their own intuition and who likes to work with oracle cards, can get started right away.Dutch edition!
Angel Oracle - Sulamith Wülfing Angel Oracle - Sulamith Wülfing 2
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Oracle and fortune telling cards

Angel Oracle - Sulamith Wülfing

Angel Oracle - Sulamith WülfingThis oracle helps you to understand the world of angels. And not only that. She also helps you to see how angels can help you with your problems.Dutch edition!
Angel power cards (NL)
  • -€6.25
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Angel cards

Angel power cards (NL)

€7.95 €14.20
Angel power cards (NL)The word angel means servant or messenger of God. These cards can be used as inspiration, or with help and support.Dutch language edition!
Angel symbols for children - Ingrid Auer (NL) Angel symbols for children - Ingrid Auer (NL) 2
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Children's cards

Angel symbols for children - Ingrid Auer (NL)

Angel symbols for children - Ingrid Auer (NL)A loving guidance for every day. Children love Angels, Angels love children.Dutch edition!
%product-name% %product-name% 2
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Oracle and fortune telling cards

Art Nouveau Lenormand - Lunaea Weatherstone

Art Nouveau Lenormand - Lunaea WeatherstoneThe Art Nouveau Lenormand captures the nostalgic energy of the Art Nouveau movement, with graceful figures and stylized motifs offering guidance and unique perspectives on every life issue. Featuring artwork by the talented Antonella Castelli, this deck invites you to explore areas of knowledge and inner peace....
Aura Symboolkaarten - Aimée Zwitser Aura Symboolkaarten - Aimée Zwitser 2
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Oracle and fortune telling cards

Aura Symboolkaarten - Aimée Zwitser

Aura Symboolkaarten - Aimée ZwitserAimée Aura Symbol Cards are a powerful tool to help you understand the present and make decisions about the future.Manual: Dutch, English & French!
Barbiera Zodiac Oracle - Barbara Moore (UK, ES, FR, IT, CN) Barbiera Zodiac Oracle - Barbara Moore (UK, ES, FR, IT, CN) 2
Available to order (delivery time 5-9 working days)
Oracle and fortune telling cards

Barbiera Zodiac Oracle - Barbara Moore

Barbiera Zodiac Oracle - Barbara MooreExperience a unique mix of magic, fantasy and the zodiac in this powerful oracle.
Guidance from the Source - Cheryl Lee Harnish (NL) Guidance from the Source - Cheryl Lee Harnish (NL) 2
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Oracle and fortune telling cards

Begeleiding vanuit de Bron - Cheryl Lee Harnish

Koppenhol uitgeverij
Begeleiding vanuit de Bron - Cheryl Lee Harnish44 beautiful cards provide the daily guidance to develop and strengthen intuition and personal bond with our guides.Dutch edition!
Blue Angel Oracle - Toni Carmine Salerno Blue Angel Oracle - Toni Carmine Salerno 2
Available to order (delivery time 5-9 working days)
Oracle and fortune telling cards

Blue Angel Oracle - Toni Carmine Salerno

Blue Angel Oracle - Toni Carmine SalernoArchangel Michael offers protection and guidance with the Blue Angel oracle cards. Delve into messages that blend the ethereal with the familiar, offer clarity, and expand your understanding of the cosmos.
Messages from the Animals - Coletta Baron Reid (NL) Messages from the Animals - Coletta Baron Reid (NL) 2
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Oracle and fortune telling cards

Boodschappen van de Dieren - Colette Baron Reid

Boodschappen van de Dieren - Colette Baron ReidThere is inspiration and strength in the animal kingdom, from which we can learn a lot. With every card drawn you share in this wisdom; it helps you stay close to your personal path, move beyond your limiting beliefs and access your infinite potential.Dutch edition!
Buddha maps Buddha maps 2
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Insight cards

Buddha maps

Experience the power of the Buddha tickets, they ensure a deep commitment in your life.
Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards - Caryn Sangster (NL) Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards - Caryn Sangster (NL) 2
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Oracle and fortune telling cards

Chakra wijsheid orakelkaarten - Caryn Sangster

Uitgeverij Deltas
Chakra wijsheid orakelkaarten - Caryn SangsterUnderstand how your current situation, thoughts and choices the seven energy centers in your body. Everything that is happening in your life, reflected in your chakras. Balancing your energy centers is a way to your soul with the wisdom of the universe.Dutch edition!
Crystal Sound Healing Oracle - Jeralyn Glass Crystal Sound Healing Oracle - Jeralyn Glass 2
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Oracle and fortune telling cards

Crystal Sound Healing Oracle - Jeralyn Glass

Crystal Sound Healing Oracle - Jeralyn GlassCrystal Sound Healing Oracle focuses on singing bowls from crystal chemistry and helps the deck user to integrate healing sound vibrations into their daily lives.
The message of Aradia - Stacey Demarco (NL) The message of Aradia - Stacey Demarco (NL) 2
Available to order (delivery time 5-9 working days)
Oracle and fortune telling cards

De boodschappen van Aradia - Stacey Demarco

De boodschappen van Aradia - Stacey DemarcoThe story of Aradia is surrounded by mystery. Some believe she was the first witch, others saw her as the leader of a resistance movement, and now many still think she was a wise teacher with female followers.Dutch edition!
The complete Gypsy fortune set - Fabio Vinago (NL) The complete Gypsy fortune set - Fabio Vinago (NL) 2
Available to order (delivery time 5-9 working days)
Oracle and fortune telling cards

De complete Gypsy Waarzegset - Fabio Vinago

De complete Gypsy Waarzegset - Fabio VinagoThe Gypsy cards continue to appeal to the imagination. This work is unique in the world and the ultimate key to gaining insight into the past, present and future.Dutch edition!
De geheime boodschappen van dieren - Chip Richards De geheime boodschappen van dieren - Chip Richards 2
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Oracle and fortune telling cards

De geheime boodschappen van dieren - Chip Richards

Uitgeverij Deltas
De geheime boodschappen van dieren - Chip RichardsFrom the giant whale to the small bee: every animal was considered part of a holy family and respected for what they mean to us in the greater whole. Thanks to this set of cards you can reconnect with the wisdom of nature through a handful of unique animals.Dutch edition!
The Great Lenormand set - Erna Droesbeke (NL) The Great Lenormand set - Erna Droesbeke (NL) 2
Available to order (delivery time 5-9 working days)
Fortune telling cards

De Grote Lenormand set - Erna Droesbeke

De Grote Lenormand set - Erna DroesbekeUse the Grote Lenormand cards to answer major life questions such as love, work, finance and health. Erna Droesbeke focuses on the art of mapping and forecasting. These Great Lenormand cards are unique in the world! Get an answer to important life questions.Dutch edition!
The healing energy of gemstones - Maxine Gadd (NL) The healing energy of gemstones - Maxine Gadd (NL) 2
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Oracle and fortune telling cards

De helende energie van edelstenen - Maxine Gadd

De helende energie van edelstenen - Maxine GaddIn this beautiful card set every gem gets a face. In this way it becomes easier to get in touch with the energy of a certain stone and to build a personal connection with it.Dutch edition!
De helende kracht van engelen - Mario Duguay (NL) De helende kracht van engelen - Mario Duguay (NL) 2
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Oracle and fortune telling cards

De helende kracht van engelen - Mario Duguay

Uitgeverij Deltas
De helende kracht van engelen - Mario DuguayThese cards will help you communicate with the angels by bringing you into contact with their healing messages of love and guidance and thus taking you to a place within yourself that is filled with heavenly wisdom.Dutch edition!
The healing power of Shamanism - Barbara Meiklejohn-Free & Flavia Kate Peters (NL) The healing power of Shamanism - Barbara Meiklejohn-Free & Flavia Kate Peters (NL) 2
Available to order (delivery time 5-9 working days)
De helende kracht van het Sjamanisme- Barbara Meiklejohn-Free & Flavia Kate PetersAs an intermediary between the human world and the realm of the spirits, the shaman sees the healing power in all things. Everything has a mind and possesses its own healing power or energy.Dutch edition!
The healing power of universal love - Toni Carmine Salerno (NL) The healing power of universal love - Toni Carmine Salerno (NL) 2
Available to order (delivery time 5-9 working days)
Oracle and fortune telling cards

De helende kracht van universele liefde - Toni Carmine Salerno

Uitgeverij Deltas
De helende kracht van universele liefde - Toni Carmine SalernoWe strive for happiness and satisfaction, but sometimes we lose sight of who we really are and what really matters during all that searching. These inspiring oracle cards hold up a mirror to show you exactly what you feel and think.Dutch edition!

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