Wellness products

Wellness products are products specifically designed to contribute to a person's physical, mental and emotional well-being. These products can help reduce stress, promote relaxation, increase energy and improve overall health. Examples of wellness products include essential oils, aromatherapy diffusers, massage oils, relaxing bath salts, facial masks and more.

These products are often used to help create a feeling of well-being and balance. The use of wellness products can help promote relaxation, stress reduction and self-care in daily life. It is important to choose products that suit your individual needs and preferences, and to enjoy the benefits they can bring to your overall well-being.

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Chakra scented candles

1001 Nights votive scented candle

711 / 8718657460390
1001 Nights votive scented candleStearine scented candle with essential oils: Sandalwood, Myrrh, Ginger and Vanilla.
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Not available for order, sold out
Chakra spray

1st chakra Muladhara Room spray Aromafume

17936 / 8901362067644
1st chakra Muladhara Room spray AromafumeWith this natural spray you fill the air with a subtle freshness, it absorbs unpleasant odors in a natural way.
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Chakra scented candles

1st Chakra Scented Candle Muladhara (strength and vitality)

641 / 8718657460116
1st Chakra Scented Candle Muladhara (strength and vitality)A wonderful scented candle with 3% essential oils: Cinnamon, Nutmeg and Clove. The 1st chakra, also known as the Muladhara or root chakra, is connected to a sense of security, stability and survival. A scented candle that is designed to support the Muladhara. Burning this scented candle candle...
1st chakra essential oil 10ml (base chakra)
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Chakra Essential Oils

1th chakra essential oil 10ml (base chakra)

110-005 / 8719632591160
1th chakra essential oil 10ml (base chakra)This oil ensures optimum grounding and places you in the here and now. This chakra is also called tail chakra and is located at the bottom of the backbone.
2nd chakra essential oil 10ml (sacrum chakra)
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Chakra Essential Oils

2nd chakra essential oil 10ml (sacrum chakra)

2nd chakra essential oil 10ml (sacrum chakra)This oil provides support for creative and creative activities. It helps you deal with changes. This chakra is also called sacrum chakra and is located at the height of the sacrum.
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Chakra scented candles

2nd Chakra Scented Candle Swadisthana (balance)

642 / 8718657460123
2nd Chakra Scented Candle Swadisthana (balance)A wonderful scented candle with 3% essential oils: Cedar, Silver Fir and Rosemary. The 2nd chakra, also called Swadisthana, is central to creativity, sensuality and emotional balance. A scented candle that is designed to activate this chakra. Burning a Swadisthana scented candle can promote a meditative...
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Not available for order, sold out
Chakra spray

2nd chakra Swadhistana Room spray Aromafume

17934 / 8901362067620
2nd chakra Swadhistana Room spray AromafumeWith this natural spray you fill the air with a subtle freshness, it absorbs unpleasant odors in a natural way.
3rd chakra essential oil 10ml (Solar plexus chakra)
Available to order (delivery time 5-9 working days)
Chakra Essential Oils

3rd chakra essential oil 10ml (Solar plexus chakra)

110-015 / 8719632591184
3rd chakra essential oil 10ml (Solar plexus chakra)This oil supports you in letting go and helps you to develop new activities. This chakra is also called solar plexus chakra and is located at the belly button.
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Chakra spray

3rd chakra Manipura Room spray Aromafume

17935 / 8901362067637
3rd chakra Manipura Room spray AromafumeWith this natural spray you fill the air with a subtle freshness, it absorbs unpleasant odors in a natural way.
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Chakra scented candles

3rd Chakra Scented Candle Manipura (balance)

643 / 8718657460130
3rd Chakra Scented Candle Manipura (balance)A wonderful scented candle with 3% essential oils: Cedar, Silver Fir and Rosemary. The 3rd chakra, also called the Manipura or solar plexus chakra, stands for personality, self-confidence and willpower. A scented candle specially designed for this chakra can help stimulate energy, self-confidence and strengthen...
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Chakra spray

4th chakra Anahata Room spray Aromafume

17933 / 8901362067590
4th chakra Anahata Room spray AromafumeWith this natural spray you fill the air with a subtle freshness, it absorbs unpleasant odors in a natural way.
4th chakra essential oil 10ml (heart chakra)
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Chakra Essential Oils

4th chakra essential oil 10ml (heart chakra)

4th chakra essential oil 10ml (heart chakra)This oil makes you feel that you can love yourself and ensures balance. This chakra is called the heart chakra (Anahata) and is located at the height of your heart.
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Chakra scented candles

4th Chakra Scented Candle Anahata (love)

644 / 8718657460147
4th Chakra Scented Candle Anahata (love)A wonderful scented candle with 3% essential oils: Lavender, Mandarin and Orange. The 4th chakra, also known as the Anahata or heart chakra, represents love, compassion and emotional balance. A scented candle designed to support the Anahata chakra can often promote feelings of love and harmony. Burning such a candle...
5th chakra essential oil 10ml (throat chakra)
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Chakra Essential Oils

5th chakra essential oil 10ml (throat chakra)

5th chakra essential oil 10ml (throat chakra)This oil supports in your communication skills. This chakra is called the throat chakra (Vishuddha) and is located at the height of your throat.
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Chakra scented candles

5th Chakra Scented Candle Vishudda (creativity)

645 / 8718657460154
5th Chakra Scented Candle Vishudda (creativity)A wonderful scented candle with 3% essential oils: Moroccan rose and Chamomile. The 5th Chakra Scented Candle Vishudda is designed to promote self-expression and communication, and focuses on the throat chakra (Vishuddha). This candle promotes calmness and clarity, making it easier to express your feelings...
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Not available for order, sold out
Chakra spray

5th chakra Vishuddha Room spray Aromafume

17932 / 8901362067606
5th chakra Vishuddha Room spray AromafumeThis spray is formulated with essential oil, demineralized water, paraben-free preservative. With this natural room spray you fill the air with a subtle freshness, it naturally absorbs unpleasant odors.
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Not available for order, sold out
Chakra spray

6th chakra Ajna Room spray Aromafume

17931 / 8901362067583
6th chakra Ajna Room spray AromafumeWith this natural spray you fill the air with a subtle freshness, it absorbs unpleasant odors in a natural way.
6th chakra essential oil 10ml (Third eye)
item in stock
Chakra Essential Oils

6th chakra essential oil 10ml (Third eye)

110-030 / 8719632591214
6th chakra essential oil 10ml (Third eye)This oil is wonderful to meditate on. This chakra is located at the height of your third eye (in the middle of your forehead) and is called the third eye (Ajna) chakra.
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Chakra scented candles

6th Chakra Scented Candle Ajna (wisdom)

646 / 8718657460161
6th Chakra Scented Candle Ajna (wisdom)A wonderful scented candle with 3% essential oils: Lavender, Chamomile and Silver Fir. The 6th chakra, also called the Ajna chakra or the third eye, represents intuition, insight and spiritual perception. A scented candle specially designed for the Ajna chakra can help with meditation and strengthening your inner...
7 Angels fragrance oil (Green Tree)
item in stock
Green Tree Fragrance oil

7 Angels fragrance oil Green Tree

7 Angels fragrance oil Green Tree7 Angels fragrance oil provides a wonderful scent sensation to create the right atmosphere in every room and is suitable for aroma burners.
7 chakras candle in glass (100 hours) 7 chakras candle in glass (100 hours) 2
item in stock
Chakra scented candles

7 chakras candle in glass (100 hours)

630 / 8718657460000
7 chakras candle in glass (100 hours)Specially made to create an atmosphere of peace and harmony.
7 Chakras fragrance oil (green tree)
item in stock
Green Tree Fragrance oil

7 Chakras fragrance oil Green Tree

7 Chakras fragrance oil Green Tree7 Chakras fragrance oil provides a delicious fragrance sensation to create the right atmosphere in every room and is suitable for aroma burners.
7th chakra essential oil 10ml (Crown chakra)
item in stock
Chakra Essential Oils

7th chakra essential oil 10ml (Crown chakra)

7th chakra essential oil 10ml (Crown chakra)This oil lets you experience being connected to everything, for gaining insights and inspiration. This chakra is at the height of your crown and is called your crown chakra (Sahasrara).
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Chakra spray

7th chakra Sahasrara Room spray Aromafume

17930 / 8901362067613
7th chakra Sahasrara Room spray AromafumeWith this natural spray you fill the air with a subtle freshness, it absorbs unpleasant odors in a natural way.

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