3rd chakra essential oil 10ml (Solar plexus chakra)
3rd chakra essential oil 10ml (Solar plexus chakra)
This oil supports you in letting go and helps you to develop new activities. This chakra is also called solar plexus chakra and is located at the belly button.
This oil supports you in letting go and helps you to develop new activities.
This chakra is also called solar plexus chakra and is located at the level of the belly button.
Manipura means beautiful jewel or filled with precious stones. The Manipura is seen as the most important place for storing energy. It is associated with the pancreas, stomach, gallbladder, liver, spleen, small intestine, abdominal cavity and the vegetative nervous system.
Physically it therefore regulates digestion and has a major influence on the functioning of the lower body, stomach, liver and spleen.
A well-developed Manipura emotionally stimulates the formation of a strong I-feeling, which is necessary to go through life confidently and purposefully. It also has to do with being able to open up to others, without too much negativity coming in. Too weak a solar plexus gives too great an openness, resulting in a lack of energy, uncertainty and unfocusedness.
This oil has the composition of various essential oils: Orange, Sour Orange, Mandarin, Palmarosa, Cinnamon.
Orange: takes away fear of new, unknown situations and lets us act from the heart.
Sour Orange: it has a positive effect on anxiety.
Mandarin: helps us to get in touch with that inner child.
Palmarosa: relaxes and calms the mind. It restores the inner balance.
Cinnamon: provides emotional warmth and security and stimulates dreams and fantasies.
3rd chakra essential oil 10ml (Solar plexus chakra)
Content: 10ml
Brand: Merlijn Wellness