1th chakra essential oil 10ml (base chakra)This oil ensures optimum grounding and places you in the here and now. This chakra is also called tail chakra and is located at the bottom of the backbone.
2nd chakra essential oil 10ml (sacrum chakra)This oil provides support for creative and creative activities. It helps you deal with changes. This chakra is also called sacrum chakra and is located at the height of the sacrum.
3rd chakra essential oil 10ml (Solar plexus chakra)This oil supports you in letting go and helps you to develop new activities. This chakra is also called solar plexus chakra and is located at the belly button.
4th chakra essential oil 10ml (heart chakra)This oil makes you feel that you can love yourself and ensures balance. This chakra is called the heart chakra (Anahata) and is located at the height of your heart.
5th chakra essential oil 10ml (throat chakra)This oil supports in your communication skills. This chakra is called the throat chakra (Vishuddha) and is located at the height of your throat.
6th chakra essential oil 10ml (Third eye)This oil is wonderful to meditate on. This chakra is located at the height of your third eye (in the middle of your forehead) and is called the third eye (Ajna) chakra.
7th chakra essential oil 10ml (Crown chakra)This oil lets you experience being connected to everything, for gaining insights and inspiration. This chakra is at the height of your crown and is called your crown chakra (Sahasrara).
Magic Love composition oil 10mlThis oil has the composition of various essential oils: Sandalwood, Himalayan cedar, Ylang Ylang, Patchouli, and Geranium.