Feng Shui

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Gemstone tree

7 Chakras Gemstone Tree 18cm

78373 / 8718657465333
7 Chakras Gemstone Tree 18cmA beautiful gemstone tree with leaves of various gemstones (red jasper, carnelian, gold quartz, green aventurine, rock crystal, lapis lazuli and amethyst), which represent the 7 chakras. These works of art are designed to radiate grace and beauty, and are often used in feng shui, because they provide positive energy and...
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Gemstone tree

7 Chakras Gemstone Tree 23cm

78395 / 8721139291122
7 Chakras Gemstone Tree 23cmA beautiful gemstone tree with leaves of various gemstones (red jasper, carnelian, gold quartz, green aventurine, rock crystal, sodalite and amethyst), which represent the 7 chakras. These works of art are designed to radiate grace and beauty, and are often used in feng shui, because they provide positive energy and protection.
Available to order (delivery time 5-9 working days)
Gemstone tree

Amethyst Gemstone Tree 18cm

78377 / 8718657465357
Amethyst Gemstone Tree 18cmA beautiful gemstone tree with amethyst leaves to decorate a space with the healing powers of gemstones. These works of art are designed to radiate grace and beauty, and are often used in feng shui, as they provide positive energy and protection.
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Gemstone tree

Amethyst gemstone tree 23cm

78394 / 8721139291115
Amethyst Gemstone Tree 23cmA beautiful gemstone tree with amethyst leaves to decorate a space with the healing powers of gemstones. These works of art are designed to radiate grace and beauty, and are often used in feng shui, as they provide positive energy and protection.
Amrita Feng Shui chakra crystals
Available to order (delivery time 5-9 working days)
Window crystal

Amrita Feng Shui chakra crystals

16526 / 8718969178822
Amrita Feng Shui chakra crystalsThe drop symbolizes the Nectar of Amrita, pure subtle energy. Crystal window decorations are ideally suited to improve feng-shui in the living room, bedroom and office. The seven small octagon crystals symbolize the 7 chakra colors. When you hang it by the window, the sunlight conjures magical colors throughout the room!
Angel with heart-shaped rainbow crystal (L) Angel with heart-shaped rainbow crystal (L) 2
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Window crystal

Angel with heart-shaped rainbow crystal (L)

0181 / 8719172831559
Angel with heart-shaped rainbow crystal (L)A filigree angel of white metal with a heart-shaped rainbow crystal. Crystal window decorations are ideally suited to improve feng shui in the living room, bedroom and office. When you hang it by the window, the sunlight conjures magical colors throughout the room!
Angel with heart-shaped rainbow crystal (M)
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Window crystal

Angel with heart-shaped rainbow crystal (M)

0180 / 8719075392386
Angel with heart-shaped rainbow crystal (M)A filigree angel of white metal with a heart-shaped rainbow crystal. Crystal window decorations are ideally suited to improve feng shui in the living room, bedroom and office. When you hang it by the window, the sunlight conjures magical colors throughout the room!
Aurora Amrita Feng Shui chakra crystals
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Window crystal

Aurora Amrita Feng Shui chakra crystals

1773 / 8718657469584
Aurora Amrita Feng Shui chakra crystalsThe crystal drop symbolizes Nectar or Amrita. Crystal window decorations are ideally suited to improve feng-shui in the living room, bedroom and office. The seven small octagon crystals symbolize the 7 chakra colors. When you hang it by the window, the sunlight conjures magical colors throughout the room!
Aurora Heart Feng Shui chakra crystals
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Window crystal

Aurora Heart Feng Shui chakra crystals

1772 / 8718657469577
Aurora Heart Feng Shui chakra crystalsThe heart-shaped crystal symbolizes "Metta - Unconditional Love". Crystal window decorations are ideally suited to improve feng-shui in the living room, bedroom and office. The seven small octagon crystals symbolize the 7 chakra colors. When you hang it by the window, the sunlight conjures magical colors throughout...
Aurora Heart Feng Shui window decoration Aurora Heart Feng Shui window decoration 2
Available to order (delivery time 5-9 working days)
Window crystal

Aurora Heart Feng Shui window decoration

16598 / 8719497610334
Aurora Heart Feng Shui window decorationThe heart-shaped crystal symbolizes "Metta - Unconditional Love". The 7 small octagon crystals symbolize 7 chakras. Crystal window decorations are ideally suited to improve the feng shui in living room, bedroom and office. The shades of color are fascinating and lively. The sun increases this effect even more.
Aurora Sphere Feng Shui chakra crystals
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Window crystal

Aurora Sphere Feng Shui chakra crystals

1771 / 8718657469560
Aurora Sphere Feng Shui chakra crystalsThe round crystal ball symbolizes the wholeness, the all-encompassing unity. Crystal window decorations are ideally suited to improve feng-shui in the living room, bedroom and office. The seven small octagon crystals symbolize the 7 chakra colors. When you hang it by the window, the sunlight conjures magical colors...
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Gemstone tree

Black Agate Gemstone Tree 18cm

78380 / 8718657465432
Black Agate Gemstone Tree 18cmA beautiful gemstone tree with leaves of black agate to decorate a space with the healing powers of gemstones. These works of art are designed to radiate grace and beauty, and are often used in feng shui, because they provide positive energy and protection.
Not available for order, sold out
Gemstone tree

Carnelian Gemstone Tree 18cm

78379 / 8718657465425
Carnelian Gemstone Tree 18cmA beautiful gemstone tree with carnelian leaves to decorate a space with the healing powers of gemstones. These works of art are designed to radiate grace and beauty, and are often used in feng shui, because they provide positive energy and protection.
Not available for order, sold out
Gemstone tree

Citrine Gemstone Tree 18cm

78374 / 8719497616787
Citrine Gemstone Tree 18cmA beautiful gemstone tree with citrine leaves to decorate a space with the healing powers of gemstones. These works of art are designed to radiate grace and beauty, and are often used in feng shui, as they provide positive energy and protection.
Feng Shui chakra crystal pendant Flower of Life Feng Shui chakra crystal pendant Flower of Life 2
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Window crystal

Feng Shui chakra crystal pendant Flower of Life

0184 / 8720088292006
Feng Shui chakra crystal pendant Flower of LifeCrystal window decorations are ideally suited to improve feng-shui in the living room, bedroom and office. When you hang it by the window, the sunlight conjures magical colors throughout the room!
Feng Shui Vajra protection window decoration
Available to order (delivery time 5-9 working days)
Window crystal

Feng Shui Vajra protection window decoration

16530 / 8718969170093
Feng Shui Vajra protection window decorationSeven small octagon crystals symbolize the 7 chakra colors and an acrylic cast brass double vajra symbolizes protection against negative influences. When you hang it by the window, the sunlight conjures magical colors throughout the room!
Available to order (delivery time 5-9 working days)
Gemstone tree

Gemstone tree 7 chakras 8cm

78391 / 8721139291085
Gemstone tree 7 chakras 8cmA beautiful handmade seven chakra gemstone tree with red jasper, carnelian, gold quartz, green avonturine, rock crystal, soldalite and amethyst leaves, to decorate a room with the healing power of gemstones. The stones bring the seven chakras into balance.
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Gemstone tree

Gemstone tree amethyst 8cm

78384 / 8721139291016
Gemstone tree amethyst 8cmA beautiful handmade gemstone tree with amethyst leaves, to decorate a space with the healing power of gemstones. The rock crystal is the stone of protection and the promotion of spiritual growth.
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Gemstone tree

Gemstone tree black agate 8cm

78386 / 8721139291030
Gemstone tree black agate 8cmA beautiful handmade gemstone tree with black agate leaves, to decorate a space with the healing power of gemstones. The black agate also known as onyx, is the stone of perseverance and concentration.
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Gemstone tree

Gemstone tree carnelian 8cm

78389 / 8721139291061
Gemstone tree carnelian 8cmA beautiful handmade gemstone tree with carnelian leaves, to decorate a space with the healing power of gemstones. Carnelian is the stone of entrepreneurial spirit and courage.
Available to order (delivery time 5-9 working days)
Gemstone tree

Gemstone tree golden healer 8cm

78390 / 8721139291078
Gemstone tree golden healer 8cmA beautiful handmade gemstone tree with golden quartz leaves, to decorate a space with the healing power of gemstones. The golden quartz or limonite quartz is the stone of strength and peace.
item in stock
Gemstone tree

Gemstone tree green aventurine 8cm

78388 / 8721139291054
Gemstone tree green aventurine 8cmA beautiful handmade gemstone tree with green aventurine leaves, to decorate a space with the healing power of gemstones. Green aventurine is the stone of prosperity and happiness.
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Gemstone tree

Gemstone tree rock crystal 8cm

78383 / 8721139291009
Gemstone tree rock crystal 8cmA beautiful handmade gemstone tree with rock crystal leaves, to decorate a space with the healing power of gemstones. The rock crystal is the stone of purification and energetic work.
item in stock
Gemstone tree

Gemstone tree rose quartz 8cm

78382 / 8721139290996
Gemstone tree rose quartz 8cmA beautiful handmade gemstone tree with rose quartz leaves, to decorate a space with the healing power of gemstones. Rose quartz is the stone of the heart and love.

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