Rosewood essential oil 10ml
Rosewood essential oil 10ml
Rosewood helps with, among other things: depression, anxiety, stress, stiff muscles, fatigue.
Rosewood essential oil is used for, among other things: depression, anxiety, stress, fatigue, jet lag, stiff muscles, skin irritations, skin disorders, scars, wrinkles, chaps, colds, infections, fever, cough, stretch marks (dry stretch marks), rough dry hands and feet.
Psychic: Rosewood oil soothes nerves and has a soothing, calming and relaxing effect on melancholic, depressive, panicked and hysterical people.
Spiritual: Rosewood oil is associated with the crown chakra and can have the effect of opening this chakra under the right conditions. The use of Rosewood is valuable during meditation or other activities on the spiritual plane.
Contraindication: may cause irritation in sensitive individuals with pure skin use. overdose on evaporation can cause dizziness and nausea.
It can be mixed with: Rosewood oil can be well combined with Lavender, Orange, Lemon, Mandarin, Sandalwood, Palmarosa and Geranium.
Evaporating 8-10 drops in the aroma lamp creates a good mood, a relaxed atmosphere and a wonderful scent in the room.
Rosewood essential oil
Content: 10ml
Brand: Merlijn Wellness