Basil essential oil 10ml
Basil essential oil 10ml
Basil oil helps with insect stings, muscle pain and migraine. Against stress and fatigue.
Basil is used, inter alia, to promote milk secretion during breastfeeding. Other aromatherapy applications are: insect stings, gout, muscle pain, cramps, rheumatism, bronchitis, earache, sinusitis, cough, canker sores, abdominal pain, warts, oily skin, maladaptive menstruation, sense of smell loss, migraine, nervousness, irritability, insomnia , stress and fatigue, reduced appetite, dizziness, bladder and kidney problems, cramps. Basil is also wound healing and stimulates digestion and blood circulation.
Psychological: The Basil type must learn to find a balance between feelings and thoughts. He is often subject to suppressed feelings expressed in emotional tensions.
The oil relaxes the nerves and has a calming effect on anxiety and stress. He gives rest to exhausted, weak and hysterical people. Basil brings peace and dispels negative thoughts. When evaporating in an aroma lamp soothing effect at ADD.
Basil essential oil
Content: 10ml
Brand: Merlijn Wellness