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Clove essential oil (10ml)

Clove essential oil 10ml

Clove essential oil 10ml
The clove has a strong, protective and healing effect on the body.

Merlijn Wellness
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Still 1 available


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Clove is used, inter alia, with; fungal infections, bruises, abrasions, swimmer eczema, acne, arthritis, sprains, strains, ulcers, tooth and toothache, inflamed gums, rheumatic complaints, intestinal gasses and cramps, diarrhea, decreased sexual drive, fermentation in the stomach, poor digestion, infections , flu and cold. Works as a worm-drier and expels mosquitoes, wasps, moths and mice.

Clove oil has antibacterial and antiseptic effect. It is a good oil to use preventively and thus prevent infections. The local anesthetic property is particularly evident in tooth and toothache.

Psychic: Evaporating clove oil helps to heal mental and physical old wounds and relieve nagging pains. Strengthens self-healing powers in people and self-esteem.

This oil has a very strong and protective effect on the human psyche and is therefore often used by magnetizers because the essence increases their healing powers.

Clove essential oil

Content: 10ml
Brand: Merlijn Wellness