Dragon's blood smudge stick (15cm)
Dragon's blood smudge stick (15cm)
This smudge stick is a combination of White Sage with the herbs of Dragon's Blood. Cleanse yourself and your environment of negative energy with this Dragon's Blood smudge stick.
This smudge stick is a combination of White Sage with the herbs of Dragon's Blood.
Dragon blood strengthens your strength and promotes confidence and perseverance. In addition, it helps to bring light workers from other dimensions forward so that they can help. Dragon blood also cleans the aura and provides protection. White Sage dispels negative energies, thoughts, and provides protection. Cleanse yourself and your environment of negative energy with this Dragon's Blood smudge stick. The cleansing ritual was held by the Native American peoples of America to cast out evil spirits, negative thoughts, or influences.
Method: light it, as soon as it lights up, blow out the flame, the smoke that is now created is used for cleaning. Move the smoke well through the room, for example by means of a fan or a spring. To extinguish you can take a saucer with silver sand to make it out.
NOTE: Do not use White Sage during pregnancy!
Dragon's blood smudge stick (15cm)
Dimensions: about 15x3cm
Weight: 40 grams
Contents: white sage with dragon blood herb