Palo Santo Rose incense - HEM Organic BlendThis incense spreads an enchanting scent of Palo Santo and Rose. It is a very pleasant fragrance, suitable for purification and meditation.
Fragrance oil JasmineThe scent is sweet and floral. Jasmijn helps you develop spirituality. It reinforces your attraction and self-confidence and if necessary it will help with more intimacy in a relational atmosphere.
Sexual Magic Oracle - Laura TuanThese oracle cards provide clarity and divination, as well as practical spells for a healthy sex life and satisfying relationships.Manual: English, Spanish, Italian & Portuguese!
Available to order (delivery time 5-9 working days)
Sexual Magic Tarot - Laura TuanThese oracle cards provide clarity and divination, as well as practical spells for a healthy sex life and satisfying relationships.Manual: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Italian & Portuguese!
Magic Spell colored candlesA mix of 12 spell candles in various colors. Candle magic is one of the simplest forms of spells where the player sets a goal and visualizes the end result.
Magic Spell Candles Love Red spell candles for use with rituals to attract love, passion and intimacy. Candle magic is one of the simplest forms of spells where the player sets a goal and visualizes the end result.
White Sage & Rose Smudge spray AromafumeWith this natural White Sage & Rose smudge spray you rid your space of negative energy, purify the space with the smudge spray.