Nove candles

A Nain candle is a candle that burns for nine days and nights with a special intention such as the request for healing or strength for the sick, for outcome in difficult circumstances, for peace, or as a thank you for all the blessings that you were allowed to receive.

Novena candle Holy Mary pray for us Novena candle Holy Mary pray for us 2
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Nove candles

Novena candle Holy Mary pray for us

NewAge Esoteric Gifts
Novena candle Holy Mary pray for usMary has been known throughout the centuries by all kinds of honorific titles, such as the Queen of Peace, Queen of the Rosary, Comforter of the afflicted and the Mother of perpetual assistance.Dutch text!
Novena candle Jesus, I trust you
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Nove candles

Novena candle Jesus, I trust you

NewAge Esoteric Gifts
Novena candle Jesus, I trust youPlace your trust in Jesus, and receive his love and mercy.
Novena candle Maria Rosa Mystica
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Nove candles

Novena candle Maria Rosa Mystica

NewAge Esoteric Gifts
Novena candle Maria Rosa MysticaOur Lady appeared in Montechiari in 1947 to Pierrina Gilli. Maria Rosa Mystica is dressed in white with 3 roses on the chest. The white rose represents the spirit of prayer. The golden rose represents the spirit of penance and conversion. The red rose represents the spirit of the sacrifice.
Novena candle Mary, Immaculate Conception Novena candle Mary, Immaculate Conception 2
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Nove candles

Novena candle Mary Immaculate Conception

NewAge Esoteric Gifts
Novena candle Mary Immaculate ConceptionThe Immaculate Conception of Mary confirms Mary's special status by establishing that she came into the world without being burdened with original sin. Mary was conceived into her mother's womb with an immaculate soul.Dutch text!
Novena candle Prayer to the Holy Spirit Novena candle Prayer to the Holy Spirit 2
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Nove candles

Novena candle Prayer to the Holy Spirit

NewAge Esoteric Gifts
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Novena candle Prayer to the Holy SpiritThe Holy Spirit is considered the Spirit of God. Together with God the Father and the Son of God, the Holy Spirit forms the Holy Trinity. The Holy Spirit is symbolized in the form of a white dove.Dutch text!
Novena candle Sacred Heart of Jesus Novena candle Sacred Heart of Jesus 2
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Nove candles

Novena candle Sacred Heart of Jesus

NewAge Esoteric Gifts
Novena candle Sacred Heart of JesusThe worship to the Sacred Heart of Jesus takes shape from love and mercy. The Sacred Heart of Jesus became the symbol of his all-encompassing love.Dutch text!
Novena candle Saint Michael Novena candle Saint Michael 2
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Nove candles

Novena candle Saint Michael

NewAge Esoteric Gifts
Novena candle Saint MichaelArchangel Michael is most commonly recognized and invoked as the archangel providing protection.Dutch text!
Novena Candle We pray for healing
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Nove candles

Novena Candle We pray for healing

NewAge Esoteric Gifts
Novena Candle We pray for healingPrayer is a direct connection with God and the Universe. We talk and He hears us. Let's pray for healing.Dutch text!
Novena candle white
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Nove candles

Novena candle white

NewAge Esoteric Gifts
Novena candle whiteA novena (novena in Latin) is a series of nine days during which one prays to God in a special way.

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